When Teaching Becomes an Interaction Design Task: Networking the Classroom with Collaborative Blogs

3 thoughts on “When Teaching Becomes an Interaction Design Task: Networking the Classroom with Collaborative Blogs”

  1. I love the idea of collaborative blogging in class. Unfortunately I teach grade one right now which makes the idea difficult. I may be able to implement collaborative tweeting, I’ll have to look into it. Where your ideas are useful for me is in terms of staff collaboration. The difficulty will be in finding teacher who are willing to put in the extra time, on top of all of the other things needing extra time, to learn and get started.

    Thanks for this,


    1. Hi Sam, thanks for the comment.
      I’ve started looking into P2 a small team & conversation focused theme that borrows a lot from Twitter. It might be something worth trying with the staff or even the students:
      Good luck!

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