Attribution: Gregor Fischer, www.gfischer-photography.com/ 16.07.2014
Slides, Interview and Stickers from The Open Knowledge Festival in Berlin #okfest14
In July 16th I participated in the Can Open Data Go Wrong session at the Open Knowledge Festival in Berlin, hosted by my friends from the Engine Room. I was one of four speakers sharing horror stories of big data and big hopes going not quite according to plans. I talked about our (Hasadna) experiences and challenges working on budget transparency projects in Israel. Towards the end I share one of the insights from my Disinformation Visualization essay calling for treating data visualization (And data in general) less as evidence and more as an integral part of the discourse. Some participants requested that I share my slides which I am happy to do here. To get some more context you can refer to the session notes recorded during the session.
Tin Geber and myself were also interviewed for the Open Knowledge Podcast where we discuss the perils of uncritical open data. Some highlights:
Interviewer: What do you think of the statement… “you open it first and then you figure out all the rest of the stuff afterwards”?
Tin: I think this statement gets people killed.

Finally, we made some stickers for the event which found their way to quite a few laptop covers. We dubbed them: “I [ambivalence] DATA”. If you want any I have extras. :)