Introducing IWBA: The International Water Bank Association

New Project: IWBA Bank on drought by investing your first drops into our water ATM —(Temporary video documentation) About IWBA Serving as an umbrella organization for some of the world’s leading water banks, the IWBA promotes and facilitates investment in emerging drought market opportunities. In the exhibition space we are excited to launch a new water … Continue reading Introducing IWBA: The International Water Bank Association

Class Plan: Design and Technology 101 / Learning to Teach for

I was invited by my friends at the School For Poetic Computation (SFPC) to share some teaching tips with fellow design and technology teachers following their Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn conference from last week. It is based on my Digital Platforms class for 2nd year students at Shenkar College‘s Visual Communication program (and previously at Parsons and Bezalel) I usually prepare the class in advance with a blogpost so here goes:

  • Traditional phones ceremony
  • Smiles
  • How are you doing?
  • Our plan for today

Continue reading “Class Plan: Design and Technology 101 / Learning to Teach for”

Beautiful Evidence, Pretty Lies / Art Review

Art Review’s wonderful Hettie Judah interviewed me and some of my dear colleagues for a piece about data, its visualization and their discontents. The article refers to my previous writing about Disinformation Visualization. It was just published in Art Review’s December 2014 issue: As surveillance culture and the mass gathering of data have grown, so … Continue reading Beautiful Evidence, Pretty Lies / Art Review


We’ve just launched — The Budget Key (מפתח התקציב) an Israeli budget transparency site exposing, comparing and visualizing the way the budget changes and extending civil society’s ability to follow the money. This is one of the Public Knowledge Workshop’s main initiatives. It was led by Adam Kariv (who developed it) and by myself … Continue reading Launched: